NetZero Competition with University of Bradford
Two weeks ago a few of our SI's took part in the NetZero event hosted by the University of Bradford.
The event was the culmination of a 6 week project where teams were asked to develop a plan for an island to become completely self-sustainable.
At the event the interns were asked to pitch their ideas and engineering designs, where they were judged by experts in the field (Yorkshire Water, N Gen, NGN, Bechtle, University of Bradford and Bradford Council).
Other parts of the day included a tour of the University and a workshop on the Hydro car.
#Colemantrainingdevelopment #Colemantrainingdevelopmentbradford #CTD #BradfodUniversity #UniversityofBradford #UoB #Netzero #Sustainablefutures #Selfsustainablelifestyles #Engineering #supportedinterns #Supportedinternships #Trainingforthefuture #Preparingforthefuture #canworkwillwork #learningdisabilities #learningdifficulties #adhd #autism #differentskills #variedworkforce #variedskills