SEND Programmes
All our programmes run on an academic year, with small groups and supportive, highly experienced staff. We take each person as an individual.
We are not a school or college and not a workplace but a bridge in between. The aim is to cross that bridge in the time given but in a way that is right for each learner.
EBEA - Emotional Based Education Avoidance Programme
Worry & anxiety is a normal feeling that we all experience in our lives. It can help us perform in difficult situations or even keep us safe from harm. However in some people it can be a barrier to them achieving their goals. It can stop day to day activities which can seem completely overwhelming.
Many children and young adults worry about school or college and this is normal as there are huge life changes happening at these ages. This is a normal feeling and part of growing up.
However, sometimes attending school or college can be difficult for some and as such they avoid it. These children and young adults may be experiencing emotional based education avoidance (EBEA). This can be especially challenging if they have a learning disability, difficulty or autism. The EBEA programme spends a year working with 15-19 year olds to get them back into a routine and feeling able to consistently attend a setting which can support them to independently access services, employment and life.
Pre Internship Study Programme
This is a 1 year programme designed to give experience of work in a gentle format. Group visits and guest speakers enable learners to discover their passions, skills & qualities.
Towards the end of the year learners go into carefully chosen work experience with a job coach supporting them. Lifeskills, employability & functional skills are taught on this programme.
Supported Internship
This programme is heavily work experience based. Each placement is chosen with the individual in mind. They can try different placements or one continual one. This year they grow toward independent paid employment. Sessions with a tutor will be based around their placement, employment and applying for jobs. All placements start with a job coach to enable the learner to understand the employers needs and the employer to understand the learners needs. Reasonable adjustments are put in place to level the playing field.
All of our programmes require support from employers. Visits, group experiences, guest speaking, individual placements & paid employment at all levels.
Our training packages are free or heavily reduced for employers that partner with us. We support employers to become inclusive and diverse.
All programmes include enrichment activities and some community based projects.
Enterprise projects are used to encourage holistic thinking about the world of work and to encourage creativity and entrepreneurial skills.