Supported Internships (SI’s) bridging the gap between college and the workplace

Two men working together on a laptop

Two young adults - Ben (not his real name) and Declan share their experiences of joining the Supported Internships Programme with Coleman Training Development.

The Programme enables young people to gain a range of work experience and practical skills that they can apply to future job opportunities. They are fully supported with a coach and a tutor and with reasonable adjustments as needed.

Declan said: “I felt settled in before starting the work placement opportunities.”

What did you do prior to joining the programme?

Ben, aged 20: “I studied Health and Social Care at College. I wanted to undertake placements to gain employability skills. This wasn’t an available on the course I chose, so I wanted to look at other opportunities.”

Declan, aged 23: “I worked at a garage. The work was enjoyable but unfortunately, I found that my skin reacted to the chemicals used in the garage. This meant I was no

longer able to continue working at the garage.”

How did you find out about the Coleman Training programme?

Ben: “I thought about what options were available and decided to speak to a careers adviser to discuss other opportunities. The advisor mentioned Coleman Training

Development and the opportunities for placements.”

Declan: “I was looking for an inclusive employer that I could develop my work experience with. A friend of my mum’s recommended the programme.”

How did you find the first few weeks on the programme?

Ben: “I found it tiring at first as the journey to the programme required some extra travelling. I was told about opportunities for cheaper travel which made a difference.”

Declan: “I was nervous prior to joining the programme, but I felt comfortable with the group quite quickly and was able to join in with the group discussions. I was interested in the opportunity of listening to guest speakers and developing my skills.”

Do you have a highlight from the first year of the programme?

Ben: “My first placement was at Leeds Wood Recycling. The one day a week opportunity provided me with the experience I was looking for and was a great way to get used to a working opportunity.”

Declan: “I have had the opportunity to help a local charity and be part of promoting their food bank. I have found this work really rewarding.”

How are you finding things in your second year on the programme?

Ben: “I’m working in a local library and really enjoying the placement. I’m developing lots of experience around customer service which will be useful for future


Do you have any advice for other young people?

Declan: “If you haven’t discovered your talents yet, give different opportunities a go!”

Further resources and information:

About Coleman Training Development – This programme is heavily work experience based. Each placement is chosen with the individual in mind. They can try different placements or one continual one and they grow toward independent paid employment. Sessions with a tutor will be based around their placement, employment and applying for jobs. All placements start with a job coach to enable the learner to understand the employers needs and the employer to understand the learners needs. Reasonable adjustments are put in place to level the playing field.


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