Teaching Braille

One of our Interns is losing his sight. With the help of Morley Street Resource Service we are teaching him to learn braille. The bonus is, the staff get to learn too.

Here you can see Max, our administrator, supporting Noor to learn Braille.

At CTD we all are all invested in our interns journeys, and this new skill is another key to Noor finding sustainable paid work in the future.

#Colemantrainingdevelopment #ColemantrainingdevelopmentBradford #CTD #Bradford #Learningdisabilties #Learningdisability #Learningdifficulties #Learningdifficulty #ADHD #Autism #Sightloss #Visionimpairment #Braille #Learningbraille #Skillsforwork #Canworkwillwork #Reasonableadjustmentsforwork #Reasonableadjustments #supportintowork #trainingforwork #upskilling #skillsforlife #lifeskills 


An update on our Wellbeing Room


Halloween Wellbeing Activity