The Yorkshire Ambulance Service delivers 6 week workshops to Interns at CTD

In March and April, the Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust delivered their ACHIEVE Programme to Supported Interns at Coleman Training Development.

The ACHIEVE programme was delivered by both Sasha Bipin (Community Engagement Officer) & Dave Jones (Community Engagement Manager) who devised a tailored, inclusive programme which met the needs of our young adults.

Interns found the workshops engaging due to different teaching styles, varied activities and appropriate differentiation. They developed several important transferable skills that are sought after in the workplace such as communication, active listening skills and teamwork.

Interns were set a challenge in the teamwork session; each team competed to see who could build the tallest tower in a set period of time. The interns had to work together to build the tallest tower from spaghetti and marshmallows. The interns liked this task because of the culture of the ACHIEVE Programme which means that it is ok to make a mistake!

There were many memorable workshops centred around Mental Health, Basic life support and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion.

"The ACHIEVE Programme has made me feel more confident in my abilities and I think these workshops will help me to get a job in an area in which I am interested."

Thank you, Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust!

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