A Guest speaker from Step2 Charity
Last week Liz Robinson from Step2 Charity came to speak to our PI's about fostering healthy lifestyles and making healthy choices. She asked the interns to sign a pledge to themselves promising to care about their physical, mental and emotional needs - and to find healthy ways to do so.
The interns were coming up with good ways to get their hearts pumping and they suggested dancing!
They also discussed what it means to live sensibly and not excessively - moderation is key.
#health #healthyemployees #healthychoices #healthylifestyles #healthforwork #lifeskills #learningdisabilties #learningdifficulties #colemantrainingdevelopment #colemantrainingdeveleopmentbradford #ctd #adhd #autism #selfcare #healthystaff #happystaff #supportedinterns #skillsforlife #knowledgeforlife