Being An Individual As Part of A Team

Snowflakes are all unique, but are made up of a group of segments.

In a similar way, individuals can work together to share their unique skills to create one fully formed team.

We encouraged interns to discuss a variety of character traits, skills and strengths that individuals might bring to their team.

Then they made a list of these traits, and noted what could happen if this group of people pooled their resources.

Each segment of this snowflake was created by individuals using their own style, approach and words to demonstrate collaboration.

#Colemantrainingdevelopment #Colemantrainingdevelopmentbradford #CTD #Bradford #Learningdisabilities #Learningdifficulties #ADHD #Autism #Teamwork #Teamskills #Uniqueskills #Uniquequalities #Collaboration #Canworkwillwork #Upskilling #Trainingforwork #Preparingforwork #Skillsharing


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ADHD Awareness Month