Rememberance Sunday Statue

We don't just celebrate the work our Interns do at CTD, we acknowledge and celebrate their work outside of us as well.

Here is Declan (one of our S.I's) with his Dad, beside the statue they built together.

Declan told us this:

"Me and my dad were approached by the East Bierley Preservation Society who wanted us to make a silhouette of a Lone Soldier for the Remembrance Day event on the 10th of November. The work lasted between 4 to 5 months and it is a 6 foot replicate of the 4 foot original we did previously and was the source of our commission to the East Bierley Community. The silhouette is at the moment buried in with dirt but in the near future, they are hoping to cement it down to remain there permanently.

Many families there took their pictures with it before going home, including a RAF squadron leader who was interested in the work."

We think Declan and his dad did a fantastic job building such a respectful piece.

Declan is currently on a work experience placement doing gardening and conservation, and is seeking sustainable paid work.

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