2024 Christmas Party

Yesterday was our Intern's final day before we close down for the winter break.

We had a fab Christmas party on Tuesday where 20 of our working partners also came along to celebrate the end of the year!

It was really lovely to see the room full of cheer, talking, laughter and music.

This event was also a really good learning opportunity for our Interns to manage mixing/ socialising, small talk and holding conversations in a group of new people.

We had really lovely feedback from Skillshouse, telling us "Lovely to see you and the students on Tuesday. Whatever ‘small talk training’ has been carried out was a success as we had several good chats over a coffee! Great stuff!"

Everyone has worked really hard since starting CTD in September, so this was a perfect end of term. Things start back again Tuesday 7th January.

#Christmasparty #Merrychristmas #winter #endofyear #endof2024 #colemantrainingdevelopment #colemantrainingdevelopmentbradford #ctd #bradford #supportedinterns #supportedinternships #canworkwillwork #autism #adhd #learningdisabililites #learningdisibility #learningdifficulties #learningdifficulty #canworkwillwork #everydayisalearningday #trainingineverything


Healthy eating session.


PREVENT training.